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Heritage Turkeys for Thanksgiving 2024


Make your 2024 holiday gathering even more memorable with a heritage turkey, raised humanely and totally free range! Our heritage breed turkeys (crosses of Narragansett, standard Bronze, and White Holland) spend their cool fall days nibbling on fallen pears, apples, acorns, and grasses; when that's not enough, they also get to eat our custom mixed reduced-corn, reduced-soy feed feed. The result is an incredibly flavorful meat, with a higher ratio of dark to light meat and a firmer texture thanks to an active lifestyle over 7 months (versus indoor confinement for four months for the average supermarket turkey).

Our heritage turkey is $10/lb -way less than buying online! Our turkeys will be making their trip to the great silvopasture in the sky on November 7th, 2024 - that is three weeks before Thanksgiving, so this year all of our turkeys will come to you frozen. (Sorry -- I have to travel to Minnesota for work the week before Thanksgiving so we just can't do fresh this year.)


Here's what you need to know:

  • Most turkeys will be between 8 and 14 pounds, so expect to pay $80-$140 per turkey

  • You MUST pay a $50 deposit to secure your reservation

  • We recommend planning on 1.5 pounds per person (a 10-lb turkey will feed about 6 adults)

  • We can't guarantee sizes ahead of time, but the sooner you reserve, the more likely you are to get the turkey size you want

  • Turkeys go to the butcher in early November and will be frozen for Thanksgiving 

  • Each turkey will be whole, skin-on, with neck and giblets included

  • Frozen turkeys will be available for pickup between November 8th and November 24th

  • Reservations usually sell out by mid-October so decide soon

  • If you want to follow our recipe you can buy a small packet of koji rice when you pick up your turkey

There are two steps to getting your heritage holiday turkey:​

  1. Put down a $50 deposit via our online store to secure your spot! (Note -- if you prefer to pay in cash or in person, just let us know via email, text, or phone call)

  2. Fill out the form at this link to let us know your preferred size.

If you haven't tried a heritage turkey before, we suggest that you learn more about them, since they are really different from the Butterball you get at Meijer. But cooked correctly, they are a complete departure from the bland, mushy-yet-dry broad breasted soporific bird you're used to. We expect most of our birds to dress out between 8-14 lbs; we recommend planning on 1.5 lbs per person, since heritage turkeys have less meat to bone (but those bones make some amazing stock). We have several customers who purchase smaller turkeys to cook and serve side-by-side with a more familiar broad-breasted turkey. The market is full of impostor heritage turkeys, so make sure to get one from a local farmer you can trust. We have lots of advice to share with you on how to get the best results from your heritage turkey, including a recipe that we've developed that combines several methods for a tasty result! (And yes, we sell the koji rice powder if you want to try it.)

Ready to reserve? Act now, because we have a limited supply! (I had hoped to have more this year, but our incubator went crazy and killed our April turkey eggs, and then our backup hatchery order was cancelled because the supplier was hit by bird flu. 🤷🏻‍♀️)


Due to our limited quantities, we can't guarantee sizes -- but we will do our best to match your order with our supply. Turkeys will be matched to purchasers in order of receipt of your $50 deposit, so if it's important to you to get a certain size (usually larger ones sell out quicker), then reserve and pay ASAP.


If you haven't paid your deposit, please do so by clicking here -- select "Deposit" from the drop-down menu, add to cart, then click through to pay by credit card. (You can also stop by in person if you prefer to pay by cash or check.)

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How big will the turkeys be? We expect most to be between 8 and 14 lbs; you can choose your preferred size when you fill out your reservation form -- turkeys are assigned first come, first serve.

  • What does the turkey include? It will be the turkey (whole, skin on), plus neck and giblets as the default. 

  • What if I want a turkey before Thanksgiving? Or for Christmas? Turkeys go to the butcher on 11/7 and will be available the next day. There is a (small) chance that some turkeys for Christmas might be fresh, if we have any that are still kind of small in early November and would be better if they got an extra 6 weeks of growth.

  • Will you be able to deliver turkeys to Ypsi Farmer's Market like in 2023? Probably.

  • Can I have my turkey cut up into pieces? Spatchcocked? Legs cut off so it's ready to follow the recipe on your website? Unfortunately, no -- poultry butchers in November have no interest in goofing around with extra steps so they do not offer this service. If you're really needing help with that, you could bring us your turkey once it's thawed and we could cut it up for you, but if you are just looking to take the legs off like we recommend in our standard recipe, I promise that it's not that hard to do!


32725 Sibley Road Romulus MI United States 48174

Drop In Hours: Friday 2PM-6PM, Saturday 10AM-4 PM, Sunday 12PM-4PM; by appointment only at all other times


Closed on Mondays, on days we are dropping off animals or picking up meat from the processor, and on days when the farm owners have to work from the office for our real jobs. 

UPCOMING CLOSURES: Tuesday 11/19 through Thursday 11/21 (Kim out of town for work), Wednesday December 11 (lambs to butcher)



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+1 734 992 7369

(We don't answer calls during the week when we are at work -- please leave a message and we will call you back!)


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