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Images from Detroit Flight Path Farm
FieldsWe have 25 acres of fields bordered by 13 acres of oak forest | BarnOur barn was originally on the grounds of Detroit Metro Airport -- when the airport was built, the disassembled it and put it back together here! | 20190731-Paul-3 |
20190731-Paul-9Mangalitsa cross piglets | 20190731-Paul-11 | Chicken CoopOur Icelandic chickens call this coop home; we also use it to house new pigs we purchase during their 30-day quarantine period |
PearsWe have about a dozen pear trees | ApplesOne of our dozen apple trees, laden with fall fruit | GrapesWe use our concord grapes to make preserves and wine |
20190731-Paul-15 | 20190731-Paul-18 | 20190731-Paul-13 |
20190731-Paul-4 |
These are mainly photographs taken by our talented friend Will Reznick.
For additional photographs, please check out our Instagram feed below.
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